Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Poke Me? Poke Him? Poker?

I've been on a Poker kick lately and have been playing a lot online. I donno what it is about the game but I really enjoy it. A lot of people look down on it as gambling but I have come to learn it is not just a game of chance like a slot machine, it really is a game of skill. Betting to High or Betting to Low can make you look to strong or to weak. Sometimes you want to look weak when you have a better hand to lure people into a false sense of victory. It really is a game that requires you to know how to anticipate actions and reactions. The way to win poker games is to set traps.

My only problem is I don't enjoy anything but No Limit Texas Holdem. I have a really good understanding of what is a good hand and what the odds are of winning in Texas Holdem. These other games are confusing to me. Like Omaha, Horse, Razz, etc. Anyways I am thinking about doing a poker night every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month if anyone is interested. Maximum of 8 People and do like 5$ buy ins. Just be a Table game, no Tournaments as of right now. That way if you get put out early and want to buy back in you can. Let me know if your interested, be a good way to spend some guy time together.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Stink Storm

The Thunder Cometh
It Breaches my Britches
I think I sharted.

Monday, June 2, 2008

My Butt Hurts

Thatcher's birthday party was good this weekend. I really enjoyed spending time with family and friends. The best thing was Thatcher's expressions when opening his presents, it really makes me want to give him a present everyday. I went with Justin and Joshua to see Iron Man that same night and it was really good. Then I woke up early Sunday morning and went fishing with Justin. It started off great. The motor cranked right up and we went right to the spot I wanted to start fishing. Then it all went downhill from there.

First cast I got hung and lost my bait. Then I tied on a new one and lost it first cast, this pattern seemed to repeat itself quite a bit throughout the day. Then when we were ready to move the motor would not crank, then the pull cord would not go back in so we couldn't even keep trying to crank it. We had to trolling motor all the way back to the boat ramp. I backed the trailer to far back and when we pulled the boat up on the trailer it just floated off. Then I slipped on the boat ramp with about 4-5 people watching and apparently ruined my phone. Finally got the boat on the trailer and tied down and went home. I then watched about half of 300 and took a 6 hour nap. Then I hung out with the Family. Now I am back in Hell. Weekends are not near as long as they should be.